Thursday, 14 June 2012

Candy Pop

Summer is here, and what I love most about it are the bright colours all around. I'm especially loving the coral colours.
My 270 yen train ticket, I use to go to my school. Plus my new gel nails!
Chanel "Rouge Coco Shine 447" Summer Collection 2012

Tulip Lollypops
Apple-Watermelon and Strawberry-Milk flavoured Gelato
Eating both gelatos together (ie.:four flavours together) was like fireworks in my mouth :)
 My bouquet of flowers I made in my Flower Arranging Class

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Huis Ten Bosch- Dragon Quest

Dragon Quest Event in Nagasaki's Huis Ten Bosch. Cutest event ever. The theme park had lots of different Dragon Quest themed foods, the music in the background was from the game and instead of prices being 400 Yen it was in 400G! Really felt as though I've just stepped into another world.
 Delicious Food
 King's Medal Pizza
 Slime nikuman (meat bun)
 Elf Potion.
 Kid's Set. Haha how can you refuse?
 Hoimi (Healing) Tea.
 Slime Latte
Blue Orb

Have never eated so much in one day. But it's definitely worth the money. We just wondered around the park trying to eat as much as possible. They should do this for all games!